
Showing posts from July, 2023

Peter Klevius congratulates Linda Caicedo and the Colombian team - and condemns BBC's disgusting anti-women football policy (while pushing for stupid "British" PC cricket instead*)!

* Of course standing still most of the time reduces risks while a few move - unlike in football where everyone moves all the time. BBC undemocratically fills its "news" program and TV with minority crooked cricket while suppressing the world's by far most popular sport football. It's 102 years since British feminists banned women's football for 50 years because of the risk of injuries - and now BBC Radio 4's male presenter tried to do the same by wilfully using wrong statistics!  Linda Caicedo, who had already won over ovarian cancer, thought taking on Germany was a piece of cake. Which it was! Funnily, when you look up 'ovarian cancer' you're ,as usual, told the main risk factors are old age and obesity. However, Linda got it at 15 and doesn't look too obese to me. She also seems to take care of her fitness. Keira Walsh, whom BBC used as an excuse for spreading its anti-football poison, actually didn't even have an ACL. The PC myth that AC...

Peter Klevius global cooling warning: We are fools if we don't prepare for a sudden start of the next ice age which is already overdue and abundant with red flags!

According to Peter Klevius research, it was the Gulfstream that caused the Eurasian snow cover  which together with Milankovich cycles explains the onset of the last ice ages. Cooling via a thin but longer lasting snow cover can trigger the next ice age extremely quickly - global warming can not!  It's the very existence of the Antarctic glacier after the Eocene maximum and the Greenland glacier after around 20 Ma - when the Caribbean first started to disrupt the free ocean flow between South- and North America - that functions as a "capacitor" which explains why the global cooling gets worse over time. Antarctic glaciation was a consequence of ocean circulation and Greenland because of the Gulfstream (see text below).     Primates evolved during the cooling of Earth after the Eocene maximum. Bipedal apes appeared during the extreme cooling period after ca 14 Ma, and Homos appeared after the extreme cooling around 3 Ma. If you blindly follow CO2 - which you s...

Just like the Nazis in the 1930s against Communists and Jews, US is now - by using its global dictatorship based on its stolen dollar hegemony (1971-) - inciting hatred against China and Chinese people.

US spread of hateful Sinophobia to cover up its own crime and failure, is easy considering the already existing anti-Chinese racism created in the West first in the UK's opium wars and US' racist "Yellow peril" laws more than 100 years ago! And it's all wrapped under the insidious and so misdirected connotations about the modern China labelled "the Communist party dictatorship" which could possibly pose a threat in the future if not now".   Peter Klevius is 100% convinced the hate would continue even if China changed to a Western system of "one party at the time democracy" - especially if China would keep its well functioning meritocracy politics. After all, China could change sometime in the future, right! $-freeloader and techno loser US' anti-China smear campaign has long since reached sports - here's one of the latest effects of it from the enormous pile. And is this BBC's contribution to sports Sinophobia? The ...