
Showing posts from November, 2023

UK's "China problem" isn't in China but in Westminster - orbiting around the worst Sinophobic warmongers and militaristic veterans Tom Tugendhat and his self-appointed successor Alicia Kearns at - would you believe it - Foreign Affairs Committee.

The most important issue for UK re. foreign affairs, is to stop hostile attitudes against China - and perhaps re-evaluate UK's client relationship with the sinking dollar-freeloader (1971-) US! Dollar-freeloader (1971-) US has now turned into a dangerous desperado which - due to cracking dollar hegemony amd losing the tech competition with China - can't any longer deal bilaterally with anyone, because everything US does is for its own survival without having to face accountability - something it should have done already 1971 when it became obvious that US could no longer stand with its commitment to keep the dollar connected to gold in a way that simultaneously synchronized it with other currencies in the world. As a result US started stealing from the rest of the world by printing and managing the dollar for itself while still keeping it as a world currency thanks to its global financial imperialism. This is why dollar-swindler (1971-) US as the only country in

The Zionist Project that doesn't accept Palestinians - and Hamas' 2017 charter which accepts Jews and 1967 borders

Israel and $-freeloader US (1971-) didn't accept democratically elected Hamas which 2017 rejected Muslim Brotherhood affiliation, accepted  1967 borders, as well as the rights of the Jews  - but not the Zionist Project Acknowledgement : This Swedish comment below from Peter Klevius (inkl. accepted comments in earlier programs) was today censored by "alternative media" and its dictator Mikael Willgert (he lied about Hamas charter in many programs before despite me every time trying to correct it via comments): Hur kan det bli så otroligt fel trots att jag hela tiden försöker hjälpa Swebbtv med fakta?! Varför fortsätter Willgert att ljuga om Hamas charter, samt hänvisar till en gammal som inte längre gäller från 1988. Hamas nya charter från 2017 går med på de officiella gränserna 1967, tillhör inte längre Muslimska Brödraskapet (som det också felaktigt påstods i programmet att de gör), och godkänner judarnas rättighter - men inte det Sionistiska pro