
Showing posts from December, 2023

Peter Klevius, the world's foremost* expert on sex segregation (sad isn't it), analyses painter Katariina Souri - without psychoanalysis but with heterosexual attraction.

Heterosexual attraction may be the main reason behind Katariina Souri's (and others) depression - meaning she would possibly have suffered less as a man. Read how climate change made human evolution possible in SE Asian volatile archipelago - not on a continent like Africa .  Peter Klevius opposite reading and correction of Greenland data compared to researchers biased with climate hysteria .  Read how two craniopagus twins born 2006 solved the "greatest mystery in science" - and proved Peter Klevius theory from 1992-94 100% correct .   Katariina Souni got depressed because of criticism against her Saami painting. She published an inconsolable text.   Katariina Souri's Saami painting (left)  and Saami people (right).   Peter Klevius view on Katariina Souri's painting.   An other Saami painting by Katariina Souri (left) and Peter Klevius adaptation (right). While the the islamist hijab is disappearing in muslim countries, it reappears in the We...

Peter Klevius obituary over Finland's lost independence on "Independence Day" 2023. Why did PM Sanna Marin commit treason and sell out Finland's neutrality and Åland's demilitarization?!

 Following the tradition of his mother who served in the Finnish army and chased the Nazis out of Finland, Peter Klevius, who was born long after, now defends Finland against a desperate* and therefore extremely dangerous and misery bringing dollar freeloader loser US invasion* and occupation* of Finland. * Modern China has applied a "guarded capitalism" and an anti-corruption meritocracy stance that easily trumps US so called "democracy", but more importantly China's super high tech acceleration is completely out of reach for US - who knows it and therefore behaves accordingly criminally instead of honestly facing the consequences of its dollar theft 1971, when US like a dictator violated the Bretton Woods agreement, which meant that instead of connecting the dollar to gold as a stable world currency, it became connected to US trade and loan deficits (US is the only countre that can prosper despite enormous trade deficit). The world dollar became ...