
Showing posts from August, 2024

Aftonbladet 26 August 2024: Razor-sharp and credible about the murder of Olof Palme. Almost surreal that new things can come to light in the case.

Read Peter Klevius Origin of the Vikings from 2005 - now again available after Google deleted it 2014 and again in February 2024. Read how climate change made human evolution possible in SE Asian volatile archipelago - not on a continent like Africa .  Read Peter Klevius opposite reading and correction of Greenland data compared to researchers biased with climate hysteria . Read how two craniopagus twins born 2006 solved the "greatest mystery in science" - and proved Peter Klevius theory from 1992-94 100% correct .  Peter Klevius: Oh thank you! I'm flattered, but I solved the case already 2007. And now a whole book is written about what Peter Klevius summarized on a blog post 2020!   Dear reader, you can always trust Peter Klevius, because he's an intellectual coward that would never open his mouth about things he doens't master equally well or better than the best. How come that Aftonbladet has missed Peter Klevius high IQ reporting for all these years?! Peter