'It's not Sunni Hamas but Shia Hezbollah' says Israel's bigoted and hypocritical former IDF soldier and now "counter terrorism" activist at ICT, an extreme right wing Sionist organization.

Read Peter Klevius Origin of the Vikings from 2005 - now again available after Google deleted it 2014 and again in February 2024.

Read how climate change made human evolution possible in SE Asian volatile archipelago - not on a continent like Africa

Read how two craniopagus twins born 2006 solved the "greatest mystery in science" - and proved Peter Klevius theory from 1992-94 100% correct.

Why? Of course to satisfy Sionist master US in its anti-Iran (and ultimately anti-China) crusade. Peter Klevius: It's always the murdered (661 AD) Ali, Mohammad's rightful successor lineage, that is accused - not the Saudi sponsored Sunni terrorists! 

Because of China's success US feels its stolen dollar hegemony is "threatened" and therefore has turned from being the world's biggest financial fraudster ever, to an even more dangerous desperado.

US and UK created and nurtured both the islamofascist Sunni Saudi dictator family "state", as well as the Sionist state of Israel. Almost all islamist terror in the West has been performed by Saudi supported Sunni Salafist extremists - not Iran supported Shia muslims.  

While US supports Israel's occupations, apartheid and war crimes against Palestinians, Iran, as the only country, actively supports Palestinian resistance against these atrocities which started long before 7 Oct 2023. Btw, chances are extremely slim you'd meet an Ali with a knife or bomb attacking you in the West, compared to Saudi supported Sunni terrorist.

Peter Klevius is a staunch "islamophobe", i.e. opposing Human Rights violating sharia islamisms. However, there are huge differences between Iran supported Shia islamism and Saudi supported Sunni islamism. Unlike Sunni islamists, Shia islamists don't spread street terror over the world via individuals and groups. However, in the West it's always Ali guys who are picked on while Sunnis are mostly blinked. Moreover, Saudi women are treated at least equally badly as those in Iran, but this fact is deliberately obscured in media etc. by lying that 'there's no hijab law' in the Saudi islamist dictatorship. That's because the Sunni Saudi dictator family wants to keep the cake while eating it, i.e. they haven't codified sharia into law but instead insidiously does the same by letting sharia courts "interpret" the case. Saudi is a dictatorship while Iran is a democracy - just like the Sionist Israel.

Also consider that Hamas renewed charter from 2017 accepted UN's two state solution and the rights of Jews, but Israel didn't listen.

 Peter Klevius has never had problem seeing sexy women nor has any woman complained about him pushing for sex or behaving inappropriately (although he really likes women's sexiness when they want to show off)! So why should Peter Klevius be unique?! And why does islam have such a problem with heterosexual attraction?!

Many (not you dear reader, but really dumb people) have the strange idea that de-sex segregation means "making women men".

Klevius 1979: Human Rights rather than religion

Drawing (1979) by Peter Klevius. For those Humanrightsphobes with really limited understanding or blinded with prejudice, do note that the DNA "ladder" has steel rivets (i.e. strong both for trapping as well as for escaping), and that the female curvature shadows transgress from below over painful flames into a crown of liberty.

Perpetua (203 AD): 'I saw a ladder of tremendous height made of bronze, reaching all the way to the heavens, but it was so narrow that only one person could climb up at a time. To the sides of the ladder were attached all sorts of metal weapons: there were swords, spears, hooks, daggers, and spikes; so that if anyone tried to climb up carelessly or without paying attention, he would be mangled and his flesh would adhere to the weapons.' Perpetua realized she would have to do battle not merely with wild beasts, but with the Devil himself. Perpetua writes: They stripped me, and I became a man'.

Peter Klevius: They stripped Perpetua of her femininity and she became a human!

The whole LGBTQ+ carousel is completely insane when considering that the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) art. 2 gives everyone, no matter of sex, the right to live as they want without having to "change their sex". So the only reason for the madness is the stupidly stubborn cultural sex segregation which, like religious dictatorship, stipulates what behavior and appearance are "right" for a biological sex. And in the West, it is very much about licking islam, which refuses to conform to the basic (negative) rights in the UDHR, and instead created its own sharia declaration (CDHRI) in 1990 ("reformed" 2020 with blurring wording - but with the same basic Human Rights violating sharia issues still remaining). The UDHR allows women to voluntarily live according to sharia but sharia does not allow muslim women to live freely according to the UDHR. And culturally ending sex segregation does not mean that biological sex needs to be "changed." Learn more under 'Peter Klevius sex tutorials' which should be compulsory sex education for everyone - incl. people with ambiguous biological sex! The LGBTQ+ movement is a desperate effort to uphold outdated sex segregation. And while some old-fashioned trans people use it for this purpose, many youngsters (especially girls) follow it because they feel trapped in limiting sex segregation.

How US robs the world

How US robs the world


$-freeloader (since 1971) US is now naked - because of China's R&D success - and has become a dangerous desperado and disinformer, trying to cover its financial crimes by corrupting its "allies". The only way out is to quell the cancer at its root - even if it hurts! And the metastasis (like e.g. Finland etc.) will feel the pain - but possibly avoiding a total catastrophe.


This video should be the most viewed to understand why US became the evil of the world!

 The Nixon chock 1971 - the biggest financial robbery ever - and growing in enormity and danger by the day!


The Volcker shock 1979/1981 - how an economy professor reveals his ignorance about US evilness because of its 1971 financial theft of the world dollar. 


And there are no mitigating circumstances but just the opposite, i.e. US has used its stolen gains from its financial fraud to cover up its crime and to invest its looted money in arms and wars.

US Fed rules supreme over the world currency US stole 1971, but only bothers about US - not what its behavior means for the rest of the world.

US stolen (1971-) gdp is also heavily inflated because of Fed's manipulations. Two natural elements of economy is inflation and trade balance. However, since 1971 both have been replaced by artificial ones dictated by US Fed.



No one should be surprised that a young country that had as its parents European colonialists, itself decided to become a colonial power, and ended up with committing endless wars and topping it all with the world's largest financial fraud ever - and now challenged by the world's by far oldest civilization, China!

The upper headline from  CNN connects without problem to the article. However, the lower headline from Chinese Global Times leads to 'Forbidden' in the Western world censored by $-freeloader dictatorship US!
The Bretton Woods system established the rules for commercial relations among 44 Western countries led by US in 1944. It required countries to guarantee convertibility of their currencies into US dollars to within 1% of fixed parity rates, with the dollar convertible to gold bullion for foreign governments and central banks at US $35 per troy ounce of fine gold. It also envisioned greater cooperation among countries in order to prevent future competitive devaluations (but happily abused poorer countries as low paid producers), and thus established the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to monitor exchange rates and lend reserve currencies to nations with balance of payments deficits, as well as the World Bank - all controlled by US which now "aids itself" - who mentioned the wolf guarding the sheep! 

Whereas the rest of the world's countries face "export or die", US faces "attack or die"! When Nixon realized what every president since has understood (not the least Ronald Reagan), he simply violated the Bretton Woods agreement according to which the dollar should be the world currency and stabilized (pegged exchange rates) against other currencies with a fix set price in accordance to gold. 

But $-freeloader (since 1971) US had already since the 1950s lived over its means, so when France asked to exchange its dollars to gold, it appeared that Fort Knox had run way out of balance with the printing of dollar to a price in accordance with other Bretton Woods currencies. 

So the Bretton Woods gang came to sort of an agreement that effectively pushed most of the bill over to the rest of the world. And then - because the Bretton Woods system made outside currencies weaker - they (the West - and especially US) could benefit from cheap labor and products from the rest of the world. However, unlike Uncle Sam who kept the rudder, the rest of the West had also to obey to the "export or die" rule. 

So when in 1971 Nixon panicked, he then in 1973 married the  Saudi islamofascist dictatorship and coupled the dollar to oil instead. As a consequence $-freeloader (since 1971) US became the world's only country able to prosper despite huge  and constant trade deficit - which goes against every basic tenet in economy because someone had to pay for $-freeloader (since 1971) US financial crime. And the payer was the rest of the world - and especially the poorest part of it! And oil rich islamofascism got US protection.

Now $-freeloader (since 1971) US utilizes AI-search engines for its authoritarian censoring - but with tragi-comical results: 


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